It’s no secret that we are healthcare professionals with a passion for integrative medicine. Even with the growing scientific evidence showing cannabis as an effective healthcare option, we still encounter clients whose primary care providers are unfamiliar with cannabis as a potentially beneficial healthcare option. We are looking to build a recommendation list of primary care providers who are familiar and knowledgeable about recommending cannabis or CBD to their patients. Is this your doctor? If so, please let us know or forward them to our website so that we can get them added to our growing list. If you know of a physician or other healthcare professional who would like more education on this topic, we’d be happy to make a connection. As lifelong learners, we continue to
expand our cannabis education. Most recently, through courses at the University of Arizona Division of Integrative Medicine and the Holistic Cannabis Academy, in the areas of pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics, pain management, and mental health Read More Here!